Welcome to
The journey continues...
Bull Dog Bash Final Dress Last day to run show with full cast. 10 point rehearsal grade and 10 point memorization grade.
Bulldog Bash Rehearsal Today we blocked and worked on our skit for the Bull Dog Bash on February 5th.
And Then There Were None |
hedda-gabler.pdf | |
File Size: | 264 kb |
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New Year, New You!
We shared what we did over break, planned our new year resolutions and practiced the exercise "Waking Up After One Thousand Years".
Music Moment Before/Finals
Students presented their music moment before for their performance final. Those who are exempt, this was their last class of the semester! The remaining will take their written final next class. Students may use their edmodo account to study for the final.
Theatre Fun!
Today, we watched snippets of the Broadway Filmed Staging of Holiday Inn and discussed the talent and directing choices, we play Ha!, Slide Show, and learned about Music Moment Before.
*Homework: Select 30 seconds of a song and create blocking of your choosing with 3 moments before for next class.
*Homework: Select 30 seconds of a song and create blocking of your choosing with 3 moments before for next class.
A Doll's House Film Compare
We watched 3 version of the final scene of A Doll's House and discussed the acting, directorial choices, and impact each brought to the audience.
A Doll's House Quiz
Students took a quiz over A Doll's House. We then played the new improv game "Split Curtain" and Freeze.
A Doll's House Ending
We concluded reading A Doll's House with the exception of the last 3 pages. Students are to finishing reading the play for homework. There will be a quiz over the entire show next class.
A Doll's House Beginning
We began reading A Doll's House.

dolls-house.pdf | |
File Size: | 235 kb |
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Henrik Ibesn
Today we learned about the playwright Henrik Ibsen and reflected on his famous quotes.

henrik_ibsen.pptx.lnk | |
File Size: | 24 kb |
File Type: | lnk |
Earnest Film Completed
Today, we completed the film of "The Importance of Being Earnest".
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Break!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Break!
Earnest Quiz/Film
Today we took a quiz over Wilde's "Importance of Being Earnest" and began the film.
Importance of Being Earnest-continued.
Today, we completed reading The Importance of Being Earnest. There will be a quiz next class.
Prompt Books Due
Director's prompt book are due by 4:00 today. Late work will be 10% off for each week late.
Trevor Cooperescue
Welcome to Class!
I am starting my 5th year at Fayetteville High School!
Teach Theatre I & III
Manage the FHS PAC
Direct Thespian Troupe 717!
Trevor Cooperescue
Welcome to Class!
I am starting my 5th year at Fayetteville High School!
Teach Theatre I & III
Manage the FHS PAC
Direct Thespian Troupe 717!
January 2018
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
August 2016