We will continue to work on the Swatch Book of Sewing Skills. I am handing out the Grading Rubric in class today. The completed Swatch Book is due November 6, by the end of class. If you successfully complete the Swatch Book before the due date, Sone will give you an additional project.
After the Swatch Book, we will complete the Garment Project. Students will purchase a pattern and supplies to create a complete garment. Details will be available soon.
Students are continuing to build their sewing skills by creating samples for the Swatch Book. Techniques this week include transferring patterns to fabric, sewing machine control (straight lines and curves), plain straight seam, French seam and Flat-felled seam.
Next week, Costume Design & Technology students will be attending a matinee performance of "Steel Magnolias" presented in the FHS Blackbox Theatre during Advisory on Wednesday. Students will respond the their audience experience with a written essay. |