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The journey continues...
Beckett Continued- Begin EndgameToday we watched An Act Without Words II. We then had a writing prompt on selecting our favorite Beckett piece and discussing the theme and emotional response. We then were introduced to the opening of the One Act Endgame.
Absurd Theatre- BeckettToday we learned about the playwright, Samuel Beckett. We watched Beckett on Film and discussed/critiqued Play & An Act Without Words I.
Hedda Quiz + Intro to Theatre of the AbsurdToday we took a quiz over Hedda Gabler Act 3 & 4 and had a writing prompt comparing the characters of Hedda Gabler and A Doll's House. We then watched Samuel Beckett's Come and Go to introduce us to Theatre of the Absurd.
Hedda Gabler Act 4 + DiscussionToday we finished reading Hedda Gabler and had a lively discussion on the theme and who represents the Protagonist and the Antagonist. We held a debate on this topic. Homework:Quiz over Acts 3 and 4 next class. Writing Prompt: Compare and contrast 4 characters from Hedda Gabler & A Doll's House.
Hedda Act 3 + Quiz(Act 1 & 2)Today we took a quiz over Hedda Gabler Act 1 & 2 and read Act 3.
Hedda Gabler Act 2Today we read Act II of Hedda Gabler Homework:Next Class (2/18/2020) there will be a quiz over Act I and Act II of Hedda Gabler.
Author: Mr. Cooperescue
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April 2020
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