Duet Acting Performance Day 2 Actors completed performing their duet scenes.Actors were told to reflect on their performance in their notebooks.
Thomas & Elise Cory & Kalyn Xavier & Ricky
Duet Acting Performance Day 1 Actors began presenting their duet scenes.
Kayli & Sam Henry & KK Logan & Elise Duet Scene Rehearsal 3-Assignments DUeActors presented their character analysis and memorization for their Duet Scenes.
The Night of January 16th Critique was due today. We begin presenting scenes next week. Duet Rehearsal 2-Character Analysis AssignedActors continued to block their duet scenes and worked on their memorization and character analysis.
Both Memorization and Character Analysis is due Friday November 4th, along with their Play Critique over "The Night of January 16th" Character Analysis Assignment: 1. 10 Given Circumstances-10 Points 2. Scene Objective- 5 Points 3. Stakes- 5 Points 4. Obstacles- 5 Points 5. On my paper, divide my monologue into at least 2 beats.- 5 Points 6. Have a tactic for every beat- 5 Points Total Points= 35 Points Due November 4, 2016 |