Check out Theatre Squared's new web series Play On!
Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope you were able to find a way to relax and find some joy in this crazy time!
Fun News! I received an email from our playwright Jonathan Rand who wrote How to Succeed in High School Without Really Trying. He said he is so sorry we could not perform our show and is working on trying to set up a video call with our class with a Q&A. I am in contact with him and seeing how we can make this work! So keep your fingers crossed! :) As far as our AMI work this week, we are going to start our character analysis over our selected monologue we chose before spring break. I am moving our assignments over to Google Classroom. I will still use this website for instruction as well, but the district is wanting all classes in one place via Google Classroom. Assignment #1: Join Theatre 1 Google Classrom! Go to The class code is: 2m3b3ps Assignment #2: Complete Character Analysis for your Monologue. Due Friday After you have submitted your monologue, ENJOY YOUR SPRING BREAK! When break is over, I will post a character interview for your monologue. We will work on the piece once that is turned in! Stay safe! : )
Complete finding your monologue. Email you piece to Mr. Cooperescue at [email protected].
Email Should Have: Name of Play Playwright Character you are playing (Make sure it is at least 1 minute!) Due by 4:00 tomorrow (Friday 3/19/2020) Today, begins our AMI Journey!
Assignment #1: Review your One Act Script. Readthrough it. Share it with your family! Assignment #2: Begin looking for a Monologue from a published play. It needs to be a minimum of 1 minute. Make sure you know the name of the play, the playwright, and the character you are portraying. ![]()
One Act Rehearsal 4 (Prop/Costume Day)Today we worked as a cast to create and find our props and costumes for the One Act. Homework:Memorization Test on Monday!
Trevor Cooperescue Welcome to Class! I am starting my 7th year at Fayetteville High School! Responsibilities: Teach Theatre I, II, & III Manage the FHS PAC Direct Thespian Troupe 717! Archives
April 2020
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